Although people have learned to use clay for their own purposes since ancient times, the desire to understand and learn how to use this material according to their needs is still undiminished. We find ceramics everywhere, starting from our kitchen, other home and public spaces, and ending with space technologies. Indrė will teach you how to learn to understand this material in individual sessions in my workshop. Lesson topics can be chosen upon request. Also, in the workshop, Indrė will provide not only a lot of theoretical material and practical training, but also foreign literature on the topic of ceramics. For more detailed information, you can contact Indrė by private message.
Important information
Category: individual education
Duration: two sessions of 2 hours each
Group: 1-2 pers.
Price: 80 EUR for 1 person, 150 EUR for 2 persons
Language: LT, RU
Indrė Svirskaitė
Phone: +37068615814
E-mail: indre.svirskaite@gmail.com