During the education you will be able to create an original accessory - a badge. Everyone loves badges with photos of their favorite bands, funny notes, or funny pictures. They look stylish on any garment, backpack or hat. Of course, the most interesting thing would be to create a badge by yourself that no one else will have. It is possible to do this in this education! You will even make two original badges during the education. We will create the design of one badge by choosing an image from the already prepared paintings, graphic works, drawings of the artist David, and you will create the image for the next badge yourself by drawing the drawing with pencils, pastels or felt-tip pens. Such an accessory created with your own hands is a great holiday occasion or everyday accent.
Important information
Category: educational activity
Duration: 30 min.
Group: agreed
Price: 5 eur/pers.
Language: LT, RU
Deividas Sinkevičius
Phone: +37069989857
E-mail: deiviostudija@gmail.com