Path 2

GINTAUTAS AKSTINAS | Medžio skulptūra


Phone: +370 685 73717
Address: Druskininkai

FaceBook: Gintautas Akstinas

G. Akstinas completed history studies in Vilnius, he is a self-taught woodcarver. Since 1984, he has been participating in joint exhibitions and plein airs. Since 2001, the artist has been organizing personal exhibitions; wooden sculptures, and roofed pillar-type crosses have been exhibited in public spaces throughout Lithuania. He participated in the creation of L. Šepka sculpture park in Rokiškis and sculpture parks in Veisiejai, Bistrampolis, Varėna, Alytus, Druskininkai, Grodno, Seinai. In 2011, G. Akstinas was granted the status of Artist, and in 2016 – the Crafts and National Heritage Product Certificate for roofed pillar-type crosses, sculptures, tombstones and chapels. He is the laureate of the republican competitive folk art exhibition “Gold Wreath” (Lith. “Aukso vainikas”), the winner of several awards for wooden sculpture works.

G. Akstinas is the member of the Dzūkija Branch of the Lithuanian Folk Artists’ Union.


Wood carving, cross crafting